
Kale‘s popularity has skyrocketed in the United States of America in the last 5 years. It is boasted as a nutrition ‘superstar’ due to the high amounts of vitamins A, K, B6 and C, calcium, potassium, copper and manganese it contains.

On our farm we grow Winterbor, a curly leaf, Kale and Dazzling Blue (what a name!), a type of Lacinato or Dinosaur kale.

Selection and Storage: Wrapped loosely in a plastic bag, Kale holds up well in the fridge for 5 days. If stored for longer periods the leaves will often become tough.

Culinary Uses: Kale holds its texture well in cooking, and it can be steamed, stir fried, roasted, or eaten raw. You can turn it into smoothies, kale chips, wilt it into soup, mash it with potatoes or turn it into pesto. Always remove the middle rib as it tends to be overly tough and fibrous and imparts a more bitter taste when eaten. Remove the rib by hand or with kitchen shears.

Information from: The Produce Bible by Leanne Kitchen